Call us on Voda +255 766 195464, Tigo +255 796 745534

Gomba Estates Ltd (GEL) is a Tanzanian Company owning approximately 3,500 acres of prime land on the east side of Arusha in the foothills of Mount Meru. The land was formerly operated as a vegetable farm until 1,325 acres of the land was re-zoned for a satellite town development with a mixture of residential, commercial and public community uses. The land is at an average altitude of around 1,400metres and is gently sloping with mature tree lines along three river courses and scattered mature trees across the land.

The principals of Gomba have been involved in the business for over 12 years:

Michael Sheehan
Mike is a principal in DC Capital Management, LLC and a Director of Gomba.  DC Capital Management is the beneficial owner of a majority stake in GEL.  Mike is an experienced lawyer raised in emerging markets as the son of a US Diplomat.  He practiced banking and mining law and founded Debt Advisory International, LLC, a firm specialized in origination, trading, restructuring and conversion of emerging market sovereign debt.

Osman Samantar
Osman is a Director of the Company.  He trained as an economist and worked in that capacity for many years for The World Bank.  Osman’s family is from Arusha and he and his wife have thirty years of experience investing in African residential real estate.

Kevin Boyle
Kevin Boyle trained as a CPA and is a New York based investor.  He is a Director of DAI Capital Management LLC and has twenty years’ experience working in family investment offices.  He has invested in several institutional-sized land projects in the past and is through his holding company, a principal investor in the Company.   He will be joining (?) the Board of Directors of the Company.

Contact Info

Gomba Estates Limited
Old Moshi Road, Arusha
c/o Crest Attorneys
Coronation Building, 2nd Floor
Samora Avenue/Azikiwe Street
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Voda +255 766 195464, Tigo +255 796 745534